Cancers are celebrated from June 22nd-July 23rd. In the first episode of Belladonna the Bejeweled tattletail, we go back all the way to June 27th 2013 when Belladonna was born. this proves that this makes her a Cancer Moon. Belladonna is Happy-go-lucky, Optimistic, and outgoing. While these aren’t always typically Cancerian qualities, she probably has a Libra Sun. Nonetheless, Cancer shines bright within her. First and foremost, let’s talk logistics – she is the main character in a show about royalty life, it just makes sense she would be the first lunar sign in the zodiac. She is also very emotional, which could be symbolic of Cancer’s empathic ability to absorb the energy and feelings of those around them.
Another Cancer thing about Belladonna is she cares deeply, for everyone and everything around her. She treats saving the Bejeweled kingdom as she’s saving lives, and also interacts with her snobby neighbor/rival. she fails to acknowledge Vendetta’s pessimism and disinterest but appears to counteract it by exuding optimism. At her best, she is inspiring and imaginative; at her worst, she is anxious and a bit neurotic. Ruled by the Moon, Cancers can quickly swing from one end to the next. Belladonna’s emotional state often changes at the whim of her outer circumstances. When things fall apart, she has a hard-time holding it together.
As she is the princess of her dad King Garnet's kingdom, she is always able to pick herself up and move on, exhibiting sound emotional durability, like a true Cancer.