Aphrodite is a Fan-Made Character was Created by TessCarvelli on DeviantArt.
Movie: The Princess of Music
Inspired by: Aphrodite (Greek Goddess), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Rapunzel (Tangled), Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Odette (The Swan Princess), Thumbelina (Thumbelina), Anastasia/Anya (Anastasia), Daria (The Princess and the Pea)
Voice Actress: Sierra Boggess
Full Name: Princess Aphrodite of Melody Land
Other Names: Lady Eris
Young Lady
Scullery Brat
Personality: Kind, gentle, friendly, poised, shy, romantic, graceful, dreamy, curious, innocent, kind-hearted, intelligent, responsible, angelic, loving, clumsy, playful, brave, clever, funny, artistic, rebellious, bubbly, sensitive, smart, optimistic, sassy, feisty, fun-loving, childlike, determined, polite, selfless, protective, caring, sweet, mischievous, jumpy, creative, rightful
Appearance: Slender, beautiful, pale fair skin, long golden-blonde hair with curls, rose red lips, violet eyes, lavender eyelids, usually barefoot
Age: 16
Occupation: Princess of Melody Land
Resident (really prisoner) of Lord Gregor's Mansion (formerly)
Alignment: Good
Goal: To explore the world and be free with music and happiness (accomplished)
To reunite with her long lost family and marry Thomas (accomplished)
Home: The Kingdom of Melody Land
Lord Gregor's Mansion (formerly)
Relatives: King Paris (father), Queen Helen (mother), Lord Gregor (ex-foster father; deceased), Lady Eleanor (foster mother), Thomas Traverse (husband), Athena, Diana, Georgina, Patricia, Maryanne, and Francesca (foster sisters), Ancestors
Allies: Thomas Traverse, Gwen, Lord Gregor (sort of, formerly), Lady Urea (sort of, formerly), Sir Benjamin, Simpson, Otis, Charlie, and Tap, her foster sisters, her parents, Lady Eleanor, the Citizens of Melody Land
Enemies: Lord Gregor, Lady Urea, Sir Benjamin (formerly), her foster sisters (briefly), Gregor's Guards
Likes: Music, singing, dancing, romance, Thomas, animals, adventure, freedom, chasing her dreams, her friends, having fun, children, the piano, Melody Land, her parents
Dislikes: Gregor's lies, being cooped up in Gregor's Mansion, being treated like a child during her sixteen years of age, Gregor's hatred of music, Athena bossing her around, being without music or fun, rules, chores, evil, violence, her friends in danger, having to wake up early
Powers and Abilities: Intelligence
Melodic singing voice
Fate: Reunites with her real parents and is betrothed to Thomas as a reward for finding her
Quote(s): “One dance."
"I long to venture in the great wide somewhere!"
"I am the lost Princess Aphrodite! Aren't I?"