Anti-Pops (real name: Malum Kranus) is the overarching antagonist of the Cartoon Network TV series Regular Show, appearing only in its eighth and final season as the main and final antagonist. He is the evil younger twin brother and archenemy of Pops Maellard and is a godlike embodiment of evil, who is so powerful that he is capable of destroying the universe. He wants to kill his older twin brother Pops and wipe out the universe to recreate in his own twisted image. He is the strongest and powerful villain in the Regular Show series, as well as the cause of most of the chain of events in recent seasons
- Diesel, Diesel 10, Diesel 20, or Evil Henry (Thomas & Friends)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Bowser (Mario)
- Infinite (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- GOLB (Adventure Time)
- Scar (The Lion King)
- Black Holeball (Countryballs)
- Gorefield (r/imsorryjon)
- Thanos (Marvel)
- Sheldon J. Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)
- Lord Brevon (Freedom Planet)
- Nightmare or William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Mal (Total Drama)
- Soto (Ice Age)
- Four (Battle For Dream Island)
- Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
- Kai (Kung Fu Panda)
- Galeem, Master Hand, or Dharkon (Super Smash Bros.)
- Ultron Sigma (Marvel vs. Capcom)
- Dark Kahn (Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe)
- Toffee (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
- Monster X (Godzilla)