Ami Sakai is a recurring fan-made character in DeviantArt, she is created by UnknownArtistML. Ami is a human who lost her parents after passing out, then being revived and becoming a ghost. She had a chance encounter with her best friend Starla Ando, both of them met each other since their first grade. Ami has also met Max Ishikawa and Alan to be their closest friends. She has a ability to turn into a ghost, passing through the walls, possessing anyone, turning invincible and taking her head off.
Ami has a lightish-gray hair, a tan skin and lightish-blue eyes. She wears a white shirt with a gray collar and a darkish-gray tie, a gray skirt with a white stripe, white long socks and brown shoes. This appearance is to keep Ami's current design for a lot of subsequent arts being made by UnknownArtistML.
Because of Ami's parents' teachings in the importance of Ami's manners, she is a princess-like figure. She is very polite, graceful and well-behaved. She easily gets very shy and timid while meeting anyone new, but she starts a friendly conversation towards them, with her politeness beling like a second nature to her. Ami acts out her teachings a cheerful smile on her face and a soft voice. She never forgets her manners, even showing respect and offering a polite curtsy to her bullies and enemies, before confidently defending herself from getting bullied or beaten.
As Ami is sweet-natured, she does not have a bad bone in her body. As such, she is honest, innocent and has a generally happy attitude. She is similarly very considerate, charitable and friendly, always eager to lend her friends a hand whenever the situation calls for it and tries to be close to everyone she meets. For this reason, she is loved by everybody, especially Alan. Ami is likewise extraordinary brave, courageous and noble for someone her age, not afraid to face danger for the sake of those she cares about. She is, likewise, full of curiosity and has a thrist for knowledge. She is also not afraid to voice her anger and disgust, but never does so in a rude way.
Ami is a spirited go-getter, she is very hardworking and always tries her best in everything she does. Because of her curiosity, Ami loves fun and adventures and she is always eager to bravely charge off into the next one. However, she can also be somewhat rash, as she has been known to charge into adventures without really taking into account the dangers she can end up facing her own, thus leaving her in situations beyond her capabilities. Because of her age and upbringing though, she is a little naive and simple-minded at times. As such, she does not always see things right away and can accidentally speak out others' flaws or get herself in over her head when wrapped up in other people's problems. Despite this, she has a very grounded personality that helps her being the all-important restraint for her friends. She can also be sensitive and childish, being proud to start crying over smaller things, misfortune or sadness in general. She also tends to scroff and pout childishly when people treat her like a little kid, especially when it is because she cannot go on an adventure.
Ami is the one who enjoys the simpler things in life and loves spending most of her time outdoors, hanging out with her friends or being a ghost.
Ami loves being happy and seeing others the same way, and hates seeing others sad. As such, she is a pacifist and detets violence. Even when beaten back by bullies or enemies, Ami refuses to fight back. However, she is willing to fight, but only to protect her friends if their safeties are threatened, and there is no telling what she would do in such cases. That being said, she would rather spend her time, hang out with her friends and do some friendly stuff when being a ghost.
Powers and abilities[]
When Ami was lost in a haunted house, she was revived and has a ability to turn into a ghost, her hair was also changed black to silver. With Ami being a ghost, she has a ghost tail, can be able to pass through the walls, turn invisible, possess anyone and her head can be detachable where an unknown phantom granted her powers when she was lost in a haunted house.
Starla Ando[]
Starla is Ami's best friend. They share a very close relationship like sisters, similar to how Max and Alan are like brothers. Ami and Starla worry about each other and try to help each other. Starla is also caring for Ami, as shows during when Ami was alone after her parents did not recognize her. Starla helps her and needs her as a friend.
Despite their close close relationship, Ami can sometimes gets frustrated and annoyed by Starla's bossy and stubborn behavior and attitude. Additionally, Ami is not a fan of Starla's anger. Despite all this however, Ami still admires Starla, and is always there to support her when she is needed. Because of Ami having feelings for Starla, she sticks up to her and helps her out like a sidekick.
Max Ishikawa[]
Ami basically looks up to Max as an older brother while she is like a younger sister to him. The two have a soft relationship to each other. Ami would accompany Max when he is on the adventure.
Ami is shown to highly respect Max, which shows her high caliber of respect for Max. Ami also has great faith in Max, seeing him as storng, kind and very good at adventuring; while she knows that the adventures they go on together can be scary, she holds the steadfast belief that everything will turn out for the better as long as Max is by her side.
Because Ami loves adventures and fun, she has been known to follow Max in hopes of him taking her along on his latest adventure. However, she tends to get pouty when and upset when Max declines her offer to join him in order to protect her from needless danger, as she does now want him to treat her like a kid. Nonetheless, Ami is willing to disregard Max's warnings and follow him into the heat of danger anyway due to her belief that Max can make anything end well.
With Ami being inspired by Max's trials and battles, she originally wished to have the same adventures as him, which means saving the day defeating the evil forces. As such, she tended to feel unfulfilled when she could not participate in the high-octane battles and critical moments Max handles. However, thanks to Max's words of wisdom, Ami has come to understand that the best kind of adventures to her means being both kind and strong. As long as Ami can handle the kindness, which, as an example, means helping those on the sidelines, that get caught in the devastation of threats, while Max stands in for the strength, the two of them can still have the best adventures together.
Ami and Alan are friends with each other, they actually have a close and soft relationship to each other.
Ami is very shy and nervous when she is with Alan, but she acts kind and friendly to him. This states that Ami has a crush on Alan, similar to Starla having a crush on Max. Ami thinks of Alan as sweet, kind and strong. She is even thinking to tell her feelings about Alan, but she is too shy to tell her feelings about him. Ami still cares about Alan though, however, she gets very shy and nervous when Alan hugs and holds her. But Ami is calm while she is sleeping with Alan.