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Blavart (Nicknamed "Altigat") Is an Character of The Pokemon Adventures (from "Discovery Kids"), He is the Second Main Protagonist of: the Bravest Pokemons, and the Deuteragonist from Super Poke Meat 1, He was Possibly an Antagonist


  • Altigat's Real Name is Blavart
  • Altigat is Increibly Brave


  • Altigat's Name Says "Altigeat" Because yes
  • Altigat is have a Calm, grounded personality & a Adventurous Life

Bio (Do Not Edit)[]

  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Grass Pokemon
  • Faction: Good (Formerly Evil)
  • Allies: Pikachu (Cute Friend), Piplup, Jigglypuff (Good Friend), Buizel, Turtwig (Neighbor), Squirtle, Ash, Brock, Misty, Toad the Robot
  • Rivals: Balinder
  • Enemies: Meowth, Jessie, James, The Kingbot, Rai'L Spluger, Slatflex (formerly), Mr. Hell, City-Eater Worms, Misty´s Parenths (in one Episode)

Counterparts (Pokemon/Tooncast Version) (Boy Version) (Hero Version) (Do Not Delete, But you can Add)[]

Counterparts (Girl Version)[]

  • Elka (Train Tishka)

Counterparts (Villain Version)[]

  • Cormac (Thomas the Tank Engine)
  • Dr. Meothidious (Pokemon)

Counterparts (Titielenaders/Super Meat Boy Version)[]

Counterparts (Takua, Jaller & Hahli Productions Version)[]

  • Billy (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)

Counterparts (Ding Don Version)[]

  • Duck, James or Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends) 