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In the City of Alameda, California, the term "Measure A" almost always refers to the measure passed in 1973 which forbids the construction of multiple-dwelling unit buildings in Alameda and limits the residential density in Alameda, with exceptions for certain low-income housing and replacement of existing buildings.

The result of the Measure A initiative can be seen today in the Charter of the City of Alameda and in the City of Alameda's Municipal Code.

Charter of the City of Alameda

Article XXVI

Multiple Dwelling Units

Sec. 26-1. There shall be no multiple dwelling units built in the City of Alameda.

Sec. 26-2. Exception being the Alameda Housing Authority replacement of existing low cost housing units and the proposed Senior Citizens low cost housing complex, pursuant to Article XXV of the Charter of the City of Alameda.

Sec. 26-3. The maximum density for any residential development within the City of Alameda shall be one housing unit per 2,000 square feet of land. This limitation shall not apply to the repair or replacement of existing residential units, whether single-family or multiple-unit, which are damaged or destroyed by fire or other disaster; provided that the total number of residential units on any lot may not be increased. This limitation also shall not apply to replacement units under Section 26-2.

City of Alameda Municipal Code

Chapter XXX

Section 30-50

30-50.1 Declaration of Policy.

Article XXVI, an initiative amendment to the City’s Charter, provides:

“Sec. 26-1. There shall be no multiple dwelling units built in the City of Alameda.”

“Sec. 26-2. Exception being the Alameda Housing Authority replacement of existing low cost housing units and the proposed Senior Citizens low cost housing complex, pursuant to Article XXIV Charter of the City of Alameda.”

The City Council declares and determines:

a. The proliferation throughout the City of residential dwellings in attached groups of more than two (2) units has created and, if continued, will further create, land use densities and other undesirable effects to a degree which affects adversely the environment and the quality of living conditions necessary to and desirable by the people. For this and other reasons the Charter amendment should be interpreted in accordance with the intent of the framers thereof, which intent is hereby found to be a prohibition against the construction of dwelling units of more than two (2) attached in the same structure as hereinbelow set forth.

b. That in order to put into full effect the intent of the electorate in adding the sections to the Charter, it is necessary to clarify the wording thereof by defining the phrase, “multiple dwelling units,” so that legislative policy will be followed in the implementation and administration of the amendment as applied to specific residential housing sought to be constructed within the City. (Ord. No. 1693 N.S.)
