Eddie "9-Volt" Bitblox is an Character of 1997 Tajaha Saga WarrenWare. he is one of the Main Protagonists of the Franchise. he is an 9 Years-old Gamer.
- Gender: Male
- Species: Human
- Alignment: Good
- Age: 09
- Born: May 20
- Occupation: Gamer
- Personal Color: Tomato Red
- Girlfriend: Ana (Oficially)
- First Introduced: WarioWare 1 (1997).
- WW: Portfolio Cartoon Debut: S01 E08A: Volt 3000 Videogames.
- Friends: Warren (Idol & Good Friend), Mona, Orbulon, Penny, Ashley, Tony, Dribble, Spitz, Kat, Ana (Girlfriend), Young Cricket, Jimmy. T, Jimmy. P, 18-Volt (Older Brother & Best Friend), Dr. Verne Crygor, Mike, Waluigi, Mini-Wario, 5-Volt (Mother), .
- Friends (Only seen in WarioWare: Portfolio Cartoon): Picuyi, Timm, Socki, Natalie, Lincoln Londoh, Federico.
- Rivals:
- Enemies: Dr. Keith Ventor, Black Jewel, Captain Syrup, Splunks, The Dinosaurs, Muncher the King, .
- Enemies (Only seen in WarioWare: Portfolio Cartoon): Deadrabbit, Virusis, Henlarsey, Clarky, Federico (formerly).
Counterparts (WarioWare (T,J&H Productions) Version)[]
- Duck (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends/The Railway Series)
- Grampus (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Baddeck (Theodore Tugboat)
- Dan (Shining Time Station)
- Crash Bandicoot (Super Mario Bros.)
- Rotor the Warlus (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Harold William Reginald (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Aku-Aku (Furze Bandicoot)
- Spelunky (Super Poke Meat)
- Furrball (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Chinese Gwene (Doki's Big Wonderland)
- Ace (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Sylvester Cat (Looney Tunes)
- Neo Cortex (JamesWaves)
- Buttons (Animaniacs)
- Wade Duck (Garfied and Friends)
- Master Meteor (Puck Plugers)
- Craig H. Turtle (Claude & Cia's World)
- Martin Prince (The Simpsons)
- Keeby (Kirby)
- Squirtle (Pokemon)
- Norwood (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Zack (Chuggington)
Counterparts (WarioWare: Portfolio Cartoon Version) (Male Version) (Hero Version)[]
- Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends)
- Sunshine (TUGS/Salty's Lighthouse)
- Hank (Theodore Tugboat)
- Matt Jones (Shining Time Station)
- Yoshi (Super Mario Bros.)
- Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Polar (Furze Bandicoot)
- The Kid (Super Poke Meat)
- Hamton Pig (Tiny Toon Adventures)
- Fico Contreras (Doki's Big Wonderland)
- Butch (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Tweety Bird (Looney Tunes)
- Todd (JamesWaves)
- Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
- Bo Sheep (Garfied and Friends)
- Reith Plugers (Puck Plugers)
- Dozzy the Bandicoot (Claude & Cia's World)
- Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
- Bun/Tuff (Kirby)
- Piplup (Pokemon)
- Q*Bert (Wreck-it Ralph)
- Brewster (Chuggington)